Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm Tired

I'm a little out of it which could make for a very weird post. I got to be late last night (again) and had to get up at 6:15am to bring Tina to the airport. She's off to Aylmer, Ont. for some MCC meetings. At least I got 5.5 hours of sleep. Tina woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep. She was not happy about that. It was a little nerve wracking on our trip to Wpg when we hit construction on Highway 3. WHAT!! They're actually trying to fix roads in Manitoba? How inconvenient. So we were stopped for 10-15 minutes waiting for the pilot vehicle. We actually made good time after that and traffic on Route 90 wasn't bad. We pulled into the airport at about 8:45am. I wanted to hit a bookstore on the way home so I took Route 90 to Bishop Grandin and then off to St. Vital Mall. I picked up Steven Erickson's latest book Toll the Hounds at Chapters. It's a 1300 page beast and I can't wait to start. Erickson is my favourite non-Tolkien writer right now. Anyway. I was going to stop at the Tim's in the mall for breakfast and some coffee for the road but the line-up was too long so I decided to go to the one a little further south on St. Mary's. I've been avoiding drive throughs lately because I prefer face to face communication (as I write a blog, how ironic) so I walk inside and there's my dad! You know you live in a province with a small population when........ He was a little shocked so while he was still off balance I convinced him to pay for my stuff. SCORE! Actually he offered. He was with a co-worker so we all chatted for a bit and then I came home. Emi and I will both need a nap this afternoon. Emi woke up at 4am with Tina. ugh. Then it's off to a community BBQ tonight at J.R. Walkof. Yay!!
I'd post a recent picture of something but Tina took the camera. Maybe next time.

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