Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's Wednesday

So I thought maybe I should post again. It's gotta be quick because I gotta shower and then make supper before heading off to the concert hall for our dress rehearsal. I'm having fun being a stay-at-home dad. It took me about a month to settle into a routine. After school was done I sat around the house thinking, "What do I do now?". Of course there was lots, I just couldn't see it. No I'm actually doing stuff around the house but also finding time to do stuff for myself as well. Like painting dwarf models, playing warhammer, practicing for my voice exam or reading or doing devotions. The other day I figured out I could fit in a rejoice devotional during the commercial breaks on ESPN radio. Kind of sad actually. I've tried to make those times a little more....personal....meaningful too. On a completely different note I bottled my first batch of wine today. It's a red Merlot and we did 26 bottles plus 2 pints. I didn't have enough bottles. The wine isn't bad. Very dry, but of an after taste but not bad for my first try. I'm scared to let guests try it right now. Maybe after a few days of aging it will be a little better. So tonight is dress rehearsal night for Pith! We were about half way through rehearsal last night and I was behind the chairs doing one of my costume changes and thinking, "This is a really good play, people should see this!" Here's hoping. Anyway, I have to go look for Emilia's little stuffy dog Purplie and then shower and make supper. (not at the same time) Oh yeah. I've started dieting and exercising (again) I'm hoping to lose 15 lbs by the end of summer. Here's hoping. (again)

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