Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gettin' Close

Wow things are getting crazy. My application for certification is off and interviews have started for a lot of my friends. I have a couple of school division employment opportunity sites bookmarked and my portfolio is slowly coming together. It's a little scary. Being at university is so safe. So not the real world. It's a little depressing thinking that I spent all this time and money at university and now I might not even get a job. But you know it was a risk quitting my job for having found another one, it was a risk quitting my job before getting accepted into the education program and it's a risk you take going back to school with the hope of getting a job when I'm done. I'm trying to relax about it and let God handle the details. He's been very good over the years. If I get a job I get job and if I don't I'll roll with what I get. God's got a plan even if it's not the plan I thought it was. He knows what He's doing better than I do.

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