Friday, February 24, 2012

Interview Week

My last post was about being stressed out but not really about my interview on Wednesday. Tuesday was weird because I was totally not stressed at all. I just went about getting my portfolio done. I think it turned out pretty good. There's some things that need to be added but going into to the interview I felt like I had a solid representation of who I am as a prospective teacher. Anyway, that night was horrible. I was tossing and turning all night. I dreamt I was at an interview at GVSD and after some preliminary talking they sat me in front of a computer and said I had to answer all my questions by typing the answers into the computer. I was so ticked off. Anyway, the next morning I was a little nervous about getting to the school on time because I wasn't sure what the highways would be like. But I made it to school with time enough to buy a tea and help relax. I was pretty relaxed but a little tea never hurt. Oh, and I looked pretty darn good too. While I was looking through my portfolio before the interview I came to an important realization. My editing skills at 8:45am are way stronger than at 10:30pm. I have some changes I need to make. Oh well. Anyway, interview went great. The only problem now is I want to stay in job search mode. I'm finding going back to homework mode a bit of a struggle. ugh

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